Transportation & Telematics



This program was a 4-month design support track that was part of a longer 1.5-year engagement. This track involved design reviews, experience walkthroughs and feature development to leverage updated edge compute capabilities. The target users for the product are fleet and logistics managers, drivers, and 3rd party logistics providers. The UX design support team worked with the client to create wireframes and prototypes of the platform, testing and iterating on the design with users to ensure that it is easy to use and efficient. We also provided guidance on user interface and interaction design to aligning the design with the client's business goals and objectives.

Project Details

Timeline: October 2021 - February 2022

Role: Interaction designer

Team: 1 Design director, 1 Program manager, 1 Interaction designer

Tools: Figma, Miro, Trello

Deliverables: 8 Concepts, 4 User flows

Feature Summaries


The Crashboxx app offers multiple features to provide users with detailed information about crash events and fleet safety. One of these features is the Crash box in-app alerts, which notifies users of crash events via the tracking tab and pop-up alert, allowing users to view crash details and history easily. The app also provides a link to a pdf of the FNOL report.

Another feature is the Crashboxx reports module, which allows users to view their fleet's crash history and onboard video clips of harsh events for users with iOn Vision. This feature provides more comprehensive information on crash metrics and related details for fleet vehicles.

The Crashboxx dashboard feature provides summarized insights on driver activity, crash events, and overall fleet safety. This feature is helpful for fleet managers to quickly access essential information about their fleet and take action to improve safety. These features aim to provide users with a comprehensive view of their fleet's safety, enabling them to take preventive measures and minimize crash events.

Smart Trailer

CargoSense connection status

This feature was created specifically for our clients engagement with Hyundai and their cargo sense system. This feature provides essential information on occupancy percentages available for trailers and helps fleet managers plan for future shipments or respond to emergencies where new trailers may be needed.

In addition, the iOn MVP version offers threshold configuration feature that allows users to set tire temperature and pressure thresholds. Fleet managers can use this feature to ensure optimal tire conditions for trailers, thus enhancing the fleet's safety and reducing the risk of accidents while on the road.

TPM’s device configuration

Updated new feature that enables users to configure a Smarter Trailer device threshold. This feature is particularly useful for fleet managers who need to ensure that their fleet's tires are operating at optimal and consistent levels. By setting tire temperature and pressure thresholds, users can easily monitor vehicle conditions and take necessary actions to prevent damage or maintenance cost due to tire-related issues.

In addition to ensuring safety on the road, this feature can also help fleet managers save costs associated with tire maintenance. By monitoring tire conditions and taking proactive measures, fleet managers can prolong the life of their tires and reduce cost. Overall, the Smart Trailer device threshold configuration provides fleet managers with greater control over their fleet's maintenance and safety, allowing them to operate more efficiently and cost effectively.

Tracking Assigned Assets

The tracking assigned asset update feature in iOn helps fleet managers verify that their fleet is properly set up for daily ops by allowing users to view what assets are assigned to other assets. This information is crucial for proper fleet setup and helps ensure that the right assets are assigned to the right jobs.

By having a clear overview of assigned assets, fleet managers can easily identify any issues with their current setup and make adjustments as needed. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, as well as better allocation of resources. Overall, the assigned asset update feature is an essential tool for fleet managers to optimize their fleet setup and ensure smooth daily operations.

Asset History Report

This update allows users to provide a shareable copy of the asset logistics report that aids users in assuring transparency in business transactions. These reports detail and site cargo related events in route to their destination.

The feature allows fleet managers to view multiple rows within the table while simultaneously seeing the map, which enables them to hover over the rows and identify the corresponding event on the map. However, there are concerns that the current design, which has rows scrolling under the headers, may not be suitable for all user screens or may limit the number of rows visible to the user. As a result, updates to the current Asset History report are required to minimize negative space, avoid clutter, and provide users with optimal visibility of both the grid and the map.

Charge Station Map Overlay

The charge station map overlay feature provides significant benefits to fleet managers by enabling them to locate operational charging stations quickly, determine which stations are suitable for their electric vehicles based on status, connection types, and power, and make informed decisions on where to charge their vehicles. This helps ensure their fleet is always charged and ready to go, increasing productivity and efficiency. The feature can also be used for route planning, optimizing fleet size and composition, and monitoring charging status in real-time, identifying potential issues and enabling proactive steps to address them.

Overall, the charge station map overlay feature provides fleet managers with the necessary information and tools to optimize their fleet's performance, make informed decisions, and proactively address potential issues. By leveraging this feature, fleet managers can ensure their electric vehicles are always charged, minimize downtime, and increase productivity and efficiency.

The improvements made through the design support track have the potential to create significant business value for the stakeholders involved. By enhancing the user experience, the platform can help to increase efficiency and productivity for fleet and logistics managers, drivers, and 3rd party logistics providers. This improved efficiency can lead to cost savings and increased profits for the stakeholders. Additionally, the comprehensive view of fleet safety and control over fleet maintenance can lead to fewer accidents and vehicle breakdowns, reducing the costs associated with repairs and insurance claims. The charge station map overlay feature can also save time and money for fleet managers by enabling them to quickly and easily locate charging stations for their electric vehicles, reducing the risk of running out of power and allowing for more efficient routes. Ultimately, by creating a platform that meets the needs of all stakeholders and provides tangible business benefits, the engagement with the client demonstrated the value of investing in user-centered design for telematics products and services.
